在近日的全球GDC大会上,adobe展示全新的shockwave游戏,以及Director/Shockwave 3d 的一些即将发布的新特性,看起来还是有些不错的新东西,希望不是最后的回光返照。
Allen Partridge也提及让Shockwave扮演在线3D游戏的领导者,只是感觉adobe在Director上的力度太小,有些力不从心,希望能多给点力啊,随着flash Molehill 公共测试版的发布,Director和flash的关系更加暧昧,一切只能让时间来验证。
以下是Allen Partridge发表的帖子原文,就不翻译了,可以自己慢慢理会:
We demonstrated several of the newest features (both those already in and previewed those coming up.)

show a demo featuring Bloom, Lens Flare, Bump maps, Normal Maps and Rigid Body Dynamics. We also featured demos with Cloth Dynamics, Character Controller & real-time shadows and reflections leveraging the new render-to-texture solution.
We spoke generally about Shockwave's role as the leader in online 3D games and celebrated the enormous plug in install base.
There were a few questions about Molehill and we let people know how happy we are that Flash is beginning to implement 3D with the new GPU access API and talked about some of the ActionScript libraries that third parties are creating to act as 3D engines for developing 3D content that will play in Flash.