2010/09/10 | [动态]Adobe Director 11.5.8 主要新特性文档
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Adobe在线帮助更新了关于Director 11.5.8的主要新特性 点此进入


Character Controller capabilities Make your games with a finer control of characters and rigid bodies and make all of them interact with each other. For more information, see Character Controller methods.  

Cloth simulation capabilities Start using the cloth simulation techniques to incorporate flags and banners in your game. For more information, see Cloth methods.  

Cross domain policy enhancements Cross-domain policy changes have been made in Adobe Director to support media-based cross-domain checks for the Flash cast members. A new flash cast member property cdpCheckMode has been made available, which can be set to either #useMediaPolicy (to use the Flash player's cross-domain checks) or #useSWPolicy (to use the Shockwave player's cross-domain checks).
For more information, see Cross-domain policy.
3D Hardware Anti-aliasing In Adobe Director, for hardware anti-aliasing support in Shockwave 3D asset, antiAliasingMode property can be set for anti-aliasing the 3D Sprites. For more information, see antiAliasingMode.  

Improvements in audio compression Audio compression properties have been added in the Publish dialog settings. The supported format for audio compression is:

      Wav files 8-bit, 16-bit with (22050, 44100, or 48000) Hz frequency-mono or stereo.

Support for Flash Player 10/ActionScript 3 movies You can import all your Flash ActionScript 3 swf files into Adobe Director as cast members. The following new APIs have been introduced:

Support for Flex/FlashBuilder The swf files produced from Flex Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4 can be imported into Adobe Director as cast members.  

Mac 64-bit support for Shockwave Players Safari 4.x is available as a universal binary application, which has support for x86_64. Snow Leopard (10.6.x) has native support for 64-bit applications. Hence, when you launch an application, the application is launched in an x86_64 mode if the application has support for that mode. Adobe Director now supports running the Shockwave player in a 64-bit Safari browser. 

