2010/01/20 | Shockwave build 发布
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Shockwave build 已经发布了。

主要修复了一些之前存在的bug和兼容性问题,暂不支持64-bit 系统。下面是更新列表,比较简单就不翻译了:

-- While installing Shockwave on Windows 7, the IE security dialog no longer appears multiple times.
-- Cross domain-Movies no longer crash when loadPolicyFile is called in prepareMovie script.
-- Text-pointToItem of a newline in a text sprite no longer causes the Movie to hang.
-- Text-"item..of" on strings having two item delimiters no longer returns incorrect results.
-- Cross domain- Movie no longer fails silently with multiple levels of cross domain policy.
-- Cross domain- Movie no longer crashes when loadPolicyFile is called in preparemovie script
-- Shockwave 3D- Hardware anti-aliasing of 3D sprites
-- Shockwave- [Mac -Snowleopard] [64-bit] Playing a movie in 64-bit mode of safari now gives an appropriate error message rather than failing silently..




最后:非常期待2010年能发布adobe Director 12,升级3D引擎,完美支持AS3。

