刚刚收到的好消息,Adobe Director 11.5 发布的,同时发布的还有 shockwave 11.5 版本。
现在可以下载 director、shockwave以及大量demo,下载页面(需要Adobe ID):
Enriched audio capabilities Make your games sound as real as they look with 5.1-channel surround sound, real-time mixing, audio effects, and DSP filters.
Enhanced video capabilities Enhance your user’s multimedia experience using H.264-video integration that provides full-screen, high-definition video in multimedia applications and games.
New 3D importer for SketchUp Rapidly create rich 3D environments using the many ready-made 3D models available through Google SketchUp.
Streaming support Stream audio and video over the Internet using RTMP support.
New data type Access and manipulate binary data using the ByteArray data type.
Enhanced physics engine Support for dynamic concave rigid bodies.
Enhanced productivity Support for multiple undo/redo operations.
Cross domain policy
Enhancements to the text engine
Open Type Font (OTF) embedding support on Macintosh OS.
Class-based kerning support.
Hinting support at a member level.
Enhancements to platform and browser support
Macintosh OSX 10.5 (authoring and runtime) support.
Firefox 3.0 support.