2008/04/10 | 添加你的 Adobe Director 12 Wishlist
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Adobe Director 12 Wishlist

Adobe Director 11出来一段时间了,虽然更新了不少东西,但相对于4年多的时间,还是稍微显得力度不够。还好dir12和dir13的开发计划已经提上日程了。


期待Director 更加强大......


Director 12 Feature Request / Wishlist
1 Multiple levels of "Undo"
2 Vastly improved 3D behaviors
3 Export to SWF
4 Import Photoshop layers
5 Improved soundtrack with waveform
6 Native PDF support

Video with overlay performance

8 HLSL (High Level Shader Language) support
9 Native printing support (good printing features!)
10 Re-introduce Havok
11 Create a mobile platform developers kit built into Director, including support for the Iphone to output Shockwave applications to mobile devices
12 Fix all install issues
13 Purchase some of the crucial Xtras that everybody uses including: OS Control, Buddy API Xtra, INM's Impressario.... and of course, supply them for free.
14 Integration of all of the CS3 products
15 Integrate all features of DirectX 9 including 3d shaders
16 Fix all Mac related bug issues and have full backwards compatibility for older PPC machines
17 Integrated Paint feature has finally been brought up to today's standards
18 Modern day OS components using the Flex components backbone
19 ActionScript 3 supported SWF files
20 ActionScript 3 integration into Director (like javascript)
21 Digitally sign your projects with complete integration into Air so now we have an install solution
22 Full DirectX 10 support
23 Native FLV support for inline Flash Video
24 Be able to wrap your Flex projects in Director and wrap Director in Flex
25 Import Photoshop layers natively in Director
26 Have Adobe make a commitment to make Director to be the premier development tool for Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 applications
27 Fix all memory drains and issues that cause Director to run slow at times
28 Split Director into several different versions: an Application Development Package, 3D Development Package and a Production Suite version for all of the above
29 New suite of native transitions
30 Native database support for remote and local MySQl databases, SQL, Oracle and Access DB support
31 Complete list of all the bugs fixed so that we know what we don't have to create a "work-around" for
32 Ten million dollar advertising budget which will be spent on TV, radio and print ads espousing the benefits to programmers of using Director to create applications, games, e-learning modules, etc.
33 Complete full support for "Linked Director Movies" (the ability to use Director movie as a sprite) - the equivalent of Flash's movie clips
34 Vastly improved IDE, decent code editor with intellisense / auto complete
35 FBX Import / Export
36 Being able to open more than one Director file at a time and being able to copy cast members from one file to the other
37 Incorporating a video plugin, such as DirectMedia Xtra
38 Dynamic concaveshape rigid bodies. We can't have a concaveshape body just stay static in the world
39 Cross-platform projector and Shockwave that actually works
40 In-line editing of LDMs
41 More advanced & flexible vector shape possibilities
42 Advanced manual memory operations (manual memory cleaner)
43 Advanced text engine (with text and images scrolling) which may be based HTML
44 More powerful built-in sound engine
45 Real flexible grid widget like cxtrastringgrid but with image and bitmap-castmembers support
46 Multiple UV channel support (3D)
47 Multiple timelines (a.k.a. Movie Clips)
48 SW3D v 2.0
49 Antialiasing of rotated / scaled sprites
50 Stable DVD-Video navigation

