2007/03/09 | [动态]Adobe上月更新了 Director 2007 的FAQ
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Adobe上月更新了 Director 2007 的FAQ,主要更新内容:

1.下一个版本的Director 将在2007下半年正式发布。

2.产品将更新:多用户支持、用户界面和工作流程的改善、支持基于 Intel® 的苹果电脑、支持Unicode等等

3.新产品将更名为"Adobe Director"。

4.Adobe打算让Director成为开发游戏的首选环境,并不断提高 电脑、控制台和移动设备上的Shockwave Player的用户量。Adobe拥有一支专业的开发团队致力于 Director 的开发。



补充:不久前在Adobe Director的官方网站的论坛里得到关于Adobe Director 11的最新消息。
新上任的Director 产品经理-Ritesh Banglani阐述关于Adobe Director和Windows Vista的兼容性问题 和 3D相关问题 以及 这两个问题的 解决方案。
1: 将在6个星期内推出新的Vista Shockwave player给予Vista的用户。
2: 在新的Director里,将使用DirectX 9.x。




I am the product manager for Director and Shockwave at Adobe. We are very much aware of this issue, and have a two-step plan to address the performance issue on Vista.

1. In the very short term, we will release a Vista-compliant version of the Shockwave player, which will force the movie to use DirectX 7. While the performance is still likely to be poorer than on XP, it will be better than what you see today (with software rendering).

2. With the next release of Director, we plan to move to DirectX 9.x.

I appreciate the problems developers are facing, and assure you that the team is working very hard to fix these performance issues.”, from Ritesh Banglani(Product manager for Director and Shockwave at Adobe)

and he also said that,“I cannot give an exact release date for the next version, but it will likely be towards the end of the year rather than the middle. The Shockwave Vista release (with DirectX 7) will be out sooner - in 6 weeks or so.

We will NOT upgrade the 3D feature set in the forthcoming Director release. Requirements like new platform support, performance and text engine enhancements are very urgent, and we don’t want to delay this release beyond 2007. However, we are committed to maintaining Shockwave as the leading 3D format on the web, and you WILL see 3D enhancements in a subsequent release. The move to DirectX 9 is a signal of our long term commitment to Shockwave 3D and scheduled for the year-end release.

I know this is not the answer many of you are looking for. I appreciate your patience, and hope to keep the channels of communications open!”

So basically I still see the bright future of the next version of Adobe Director. How about u?


